
Geoquest Examples

Please note: After clicking on the links below, please replace the given servicekey with the servicekey of your organization.

Which Geoquest configurations does my organisation have?: Returns a JSON file with the configurations that your organisation has to its disposal including the default GeodanMaps configurations.

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Is there a building present at this location?: Returns a JSON file with a true or false statement.

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Is there a postal code centroid present within 500 meters from this location? Returns a JSON file with a true or false statement.

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Which municipality is this location in? Returns a JSON file with the available municipality containing all information except the geometry.

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Which postal code 4 areas and wards do I drive through following this route using a 5 meter buffer? Returns a JSON file with information about two specific datasets containing only the attributes mentioned in my configuration with a maximum of 10 features and sorted by distance.